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wheat pool
DCHP-1 (pre-1967)
Entry from the DCHP-1 (pre-1967)
This entry may contain outdated or offensive information, terms, and examples.
a co-operative formed by westerfarmers to handle their own grain.
One thing, which was very marked in all the conversations about wheat and flour, was the unanimity of belief [in Britain] that Canada's wheat pools . . . had been fatal in Canada's grain trade.
Early in the century prairie farmers, impatient with the monopoly and abuses of a few private grain-handling companies, founded United Grain Growers and the three Wheat Pools. The UGG and Wheat Pool buildings now stand on Main near Portage, representing 280,000 prairie farmers and two thirds of the grain handled in Canada.
. . . the Wheat Pools had their start at this time in little meetings in country schools all over the province.
the total annual amount of wheat handled by such a co-operative.
The wheat board's final payment to prairie farmers on the 1956-57 wheat pool will be announced in a few days, it was learned Tuesday.